Symposium Information January 15-16, 2016


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Friday, January 15: ART Building Lecture Hall 1.102

8:30-8:45 am

8:45 am
Welcome Remarks
Dr. David Stuart, Director The Mesoamerica Center

9:00-9:40 am
Jeremy Sabloff, University of Pennsylvania
The 1960s Peabody-Harvard Project at Ceibal: An Overview of its Background, Goals, and Achievements

9:40-10:20 am
Daniela Triadan, University of Arizona
The Development of Political Complexity in the Maya Lowlands: New Insights from Preclassic Ceibal

10:20-10:40 am
Coffee Break

10:40-11:20 am
Markus Eberl, Vanderbilt University
Classic Maya Commoners in the Petexbatun Region

11:20-12:00 pm
Nicholas Carter, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University
King of the Hill: Demography, Dynasty, and Diplomacy in the Northwestern Maya Mountains.

12:00-2:00 pm

2:00-2:40 pm
Maria Eugenia Gutierrez, Universidad Autonóma de Chiapas (CEICUM)
Yopaat, a Maya Storm God and its Relation to the Jaguar

2:40-3:20 pm
Daniel Law, The University of Texas at Austin

3:20-3:40 pm
Coffee Break

3:40-4:20 pm
Tim Beach and Nick Dunning, The University of Texas at Austin
The Environmental Backdrop of the Petexbatun and Beyond

4:20-5:00 pm
David Stuart, The University of Texas at Austin
Ceibal in Historical Context 

5:00- 5:20 pm

Saturday, January 16: ART Building Lecture Hall 1.102  

9:00-9:40 am
Takeshi Inomata, University of Arizona
The Political History of Classic-period Ceibal

9:40-10:20 am
Jessica McLellan and Melissa Burham, University of Arizona
Setting the Stage for Kingship: Domestic and Public Rituals at Preclassic Ceibal

10:20-10:40 am
Coffee Break

10:40-11:20 am
Karen Bassie, University of Calgary
God L: An Obsidian Merchant Deity

11:20-12:00 pm
Ruud Van Akkeren, Associated Researcher, Universidad del Valle, Guatemala
The Three Throne-Stones of Creation: San Bartólo Revisited

12:00-2:00 pm

2:00-2:40 pm
Marc Zender, Tulane University
The Crown Was Held Above Him: Revisiting a Classic Maya Coronation Ceremony

2:40-3:20 pm
Maline Werness-Rude and Kaylee Spencer, Eastern Connecticut State University and University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Architectural Framing in the Northern Maya Lowlands

3:20-3:40 pm
Coffee Break

3:40-4:20 pm
Marcello Canuto, Tulane University
Voices of the Vassals: Comparing the Rhetoric, History, and Politics of La Corona and Dos Pilas

4:20-5:00 pm
Arthur Demarest, Vanderbilt University
New Evidence on Petexbatun and Pasión River Eighth Century Economic and Political Change: Breakthroughs on the Mystery of the Collapse of Classic Maya Civilization

5:00- 5:20 pm